Saturday, March 14, 2009

Beauty Treatments

Last week I was asked to fill in for our Pastor's Wife who leads my church's' Women's Ministry bible study. I said, "Sure, be happy to." Then as the week went on I kept thinking about what I could share with the ladies from last weeks homework. We're currently on Chapter 2 of Esther where the young women were gathered up from the neighboring towns and were then to complete 12 months of beauty treatments before they had their big moment before King Xerxes to see if they would be chosen to be the next Queen.

If your not familiar with the story, the basis was that beauty was not something you already had. It was a treatment... you had to get that way. Pretty disheartening isn't it? Fast forward 2,000 years and not much has changed in our beauty treatment driven society.

I prayed, "God you've got to show up! What am I going to talk about?" His reply... "Your bangs."

My hair is always been my thing... growing up I didn't have the cool clothes but I had great hair. That I could always do well. Society is no different today in the messages we get from media and magazines... you have to have great, healthy, celebrity hair, yada yada yada. So I brought a box filled with all my hair stuff that I use daily. But I took it a step further, TO KEEP IT REAL...

I told the ladies that I could relate to the beauty treatment standards we've come to know today and that I wasn't any less affected by it then they were and I wanted to show them what it takes to have great hair.
First up was a box of my Loreal hair color. The ladies all burst out laughing! At that point I was relieved because I wasn't sure how they were going to receive my little demonstration, but after that I knew they were with me.

Then I told them to keep the color strong I had to use color enhancing shampoo and then pulled out my Pantene Brunette Expressions and explained that these kept my color looking vibrant and hide the GRAY!! (More laughter)

Then I told them next in my regime was the silky serum gloss that I use to give my hair SHINE. You can apply it wet or dry so I proceeded to squirt some on my hand and then ran my fingers through my hair again explaining how this slicker stuff keeps my hair shiny. (more laughter and they started asking questions)

Next was my spray bottle of V-0-5 leave in conditioner to prevent split-ends (more laughter).

Then I explained that once my hair was blown dry, I would then roll it up in my Velco Rollers and I pulled 2 bags of my large and small size rollers. (I thought they were going to fall on the floor they were laughing so much) They started oooo-ing and awe-ing and then one of the ladies asked for a demonstration so I said Sure!

I then pulled out my 4 different hair brushes, each one designed for a different hair purpose and demonstrated how to use a Velcro roller.

I put 1 roller in my hair and walked around like that for awhile~ now that had their attention I tell you! Then I explained that once my hair was rolled up I then go and make breakfast, lunches, etc. and by the time we head back upstairs to brush our teeth, my hair is set and the rollers are ready to come out.

Then I showed them how I brush my hair and shellac my hair with Aqua Net hairspray,

and then I pulled out my face-shield so that I don't get hair spray on my face. (More laughter, proceeded by more questions on where to get a face shield).

Then this is where I previously prayed to God and told him that I needed him to SHOW UP and finish this silly demonstration of mine off and He did. I then showed the ladies how I style my hair to have my bangs juuuuuuust right so that they are swept-over perfection to cover ONE of my eyebrows. Then the room got quiet.

I told them that when people smile, their eyebrows usually BOTH go up naturally. But NOT ME. I told them to get ready to look, because I was going to smile and when I smile, 1 eyebrow goes UP and 1 eyebrow goes DOWN. So then I did it, I smiled. There I was all goofy showing them my lopsided eyebrows and they were all smiling and giggling when they indeed saw it too.

But that was my point! I told them that we all know people who have visible "flaws" that are obviously there but when we LOVE them, we don't see those flaws anymore. They just disappear and that is exactly how God sees us... without our flaws. Just the INNER beauty is seen. His salvation that lives in us and His word that we read by being daily in the word, lives in us, and that radiates a INNER BEAUTY that is ATTRACTIVE to others and that is what people are attracted to when they see Christ in us.

Those precious ladies in the room understood the point I was trying to make. We don't have to have celebrity hair, just have God in their heart and live your life HIS WAY. He is the inner beauty treatment for us ladies!

I hope this post speak to the ladies out there. I know you feel the pressure out there, we all do and I'm no different in how it affects me like it does to you too. But let's keep it real and love on your lady friends as someone who sees past the flaws. Our looks can be gone in a moment, but our inner beauty continues to be the light of the world.

14 Cha Cha Bloggers left a comment:

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? March 14, 2009 at 6:33 AM  

H heartfelt and hilarious post, Janeen!

Am looking forward to the photos from the tea party! While on the subject of hair, I think you'd look stunning with your hair up as
Audrey wears it in Breakfast at Tiffany's, dahlink! Seriously!

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? March 14, 2009 at 6:34 AM  

Too early in the morning! That H should be an A...but you probably already figured that out! Ugh!

ChaChaneen March 14, 2009 at 6:40 AM  

Good morning Gorgeous Petra! Ooooh that would be fun to go to the tea with my hair all done up in a French twist. I haven't done that in years, I'll have to practice today and get about a 100 hair-pins. ha ha Thank you for your sweet comment, I'm glad it was understood as I wasn't sure it would transfer the same in the written way.

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... March 14, 2009 at 8:48 AM  

I love the "hair-did" girl!!
And your comment about the Audrey Hepburn hair did make me laugh....out loud. That made my Quaker Parrot Sculley start laughing as well and now he won't stop so thanks a heap :)
I hope that you post pics of your Audrey hair-did...........I can't wait to see :)
Take good care and........

Steady On
Reggie Girl

MuseSwings March 14, 2009 at 11:56 AM  

Janeen! This was such fun to read - and yes - it was so relevant to the reading of Esther. Our hair care is similar - just the products differ. It's worth the effort!

Sparky March 14, 2009 at 5:10 PM  

You are so cute! I do hope you keep the bangs. I keep mine because I have a high forehead (it's all that brain power, I'm sure ... NOT! ROFLOL!). Also, I am naturally blonde but turned really gray last year, so, I'm bleaching. Thus, I have to use special shampoo, etc. but it's worth it. My hair does look better and it makes me feel pretty. That's what it's all about. In the movie "Steel Magnolias" Dolly Parton says "There is no such thing as natural beauty." Amen, sing it sister!! ha ha :o) ♥ ∞

ChaChaneen March 14, 2009 at 5:27 PM  

Oh yea sparky, I can relate to the high forehead too! ha ha Thanks for visiting today!

I have that movie and that is where I first saw the face shield and said I've got to get one of those and voila - got it! Great movie - cry everytime.

Linda March 14, 2009 at 6:03 PM  

We're studying the same thing, Janeen!! I still can not get past the fact that the King threw out his first wife cause she did not obey..ANYWAYS. NICE PICS and thanks for making me laugh and smile!!! Blessings

Lavinia March 14, 2009 at 7:18 PM  

Love Love Love (!) this post! Especially the last picture. Well Janeen you know your next giveaway has to be the location of where to buy a faceshield! That is the coolest thing ever and let me tell you, I coulda used one on the Orient Express when things got a little wild and Debby was dancing with a lampshade on her head...

Lavinia March 14, 2009 at 7:18 PM  

Love Love Love (!) this post! Especially the last picture. Well Janeen you know your next giveaway has to be the location of where to buy a faceshield! That is the coolest thing ever and let me tell you, I coulda used one on the Orient Express when things got a little wild and Debby was dancing with a lampshade on her head...

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere March 15, 2009 at 2:16 PM  

Great post!! Thanks for taking the time to share it. You do have lovely hair. Looking at the pictures I think mine is about the same texture and thickness, but I've never known what to do with it. Hair has never been my "thing"! I think I'll try some of your "products"! LOL!

Chris Overstreet March 15, 2009 at 2:44 PM  

Now that's what the phrase "speaking truth to power" ought to mean. Always glad to see a can of Aqua Net; it makes me nostalgic for the hole in the ozone layer.

KARNA March 16, 2009 at 9:05 AM  

that was hilarious and I just could see the ladies laughing at your presentation. Get em laughing and then BOOM, hit em with the truth; works every time!

I NEVER ever ever have seen a face shield and now i want one? Beauty supply store? And really aqua net works? If it does; i'm buying some stat!

twinkle teaches March 17, 2009 at 11:12 PM  

Cute! I totally want a face shield now. Love the beauty tips!