Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Friday - Schools Out!


Last day of School! Yahoo!!
UPDATE: The kids were so excited today when I showed at up at the school to pick them up! Surprise! I'm always working but worked a half day instead to spend time with them and we had a great lunch together. It was sweet to see them say goodbye to their friends. Oh the highs and lows of the last day of school! As soon as we got home though they each went to the TV and have been chilling... ha ha
Well my Man just got home and we're off to go fishing until sunset!

9 Cha Cha Bloggers left a comment:

alittlebitofscrap June 12, 2009 at 11:31 AM  

Yippie!! Although, I always loved the excitement of the first day of school. I felt dread on the last day because I knew I would not get to see my friends all summer long.

Betsy Brock June 12, 2009 at 12:15 PM  

Yea! Enjoy the summer!

Sparky June 12, 2009 at 12:46 PM  

I remember how exciting it was to have the last day of school. I liked the first day of school too. Not necessarily to see my friends again. I lived in a small town and we all saw each other anyway. I just always thought learning was fun.

For your children "Have a great summer kiddos!" from me. :o) xx

Nana Trish is Living the Dream June 12, 2009 at 7:07 PM  

This classroom is adorable. It sure brings back memories. How could I ever have been small enough to fit in those type seats? I wanted to go to school year round. I loved all the kids and school was and is just grand to me. I pray your kids have a wonderful summer!

Marie Reed June 13, 2009 at 9:21 AM  

Hooray! did you catch any fish my dear?

ChaChaneen June 13, 2009 at 9:35 AM  

Nope not one. A few took the bait though ~ ha ha. I ended up having to drive and get some hot sandwiches and return to the fishing hole so we'd have something for dinner. ha ha I got a couple of good pictures for the memories, so I'll post those soon.

twinkle teaches June 15, 2009 at 5:18 PM  

I love love summer time! I bet the pics are cute! :)

Jenny June 16, 2009 at 10:48 AM  

YAY for summer!! What do the kids do during the summer?

Well, hey, thank you sooo much for all your helpful suggestions! (I went over to facebook to write you a long message but found that you're not on there anymore???? How did I miss that?!). Anyway, love the ideas for curbing the screaming tantrums in the house! I'm going to keep that in mind for when V gets a bit older and can understand that. Thankfully, she hasn't repeated the tantrum of last really may have been a tooth-related thing. She does throw a mini little fit-objection when I stop walking her around the house, but it seems that with each time she is learning quicker and quicker. Thankfully, she REALLY responds to reprimands and never rebels when I tell her "no no" or "hands off"...or even just use a stern voice. She is so sensitive to my tones...which is great!
As for the crawling thing, we are definitely way past the hopes of ever accomplishing that feat. She may crawl a bit after she really starts walking...but since she can pull herself to standing and maneuver around any object, crawling is old news and just not interesting to her. I've always said that I think she wants to look up at the world and not down at the ground...hehe. And, she actually does already know how to roll over onto her tummy and back. She rolls around her crib a lot in her sleep. She can roll onto her tummy and bring her knees up, even...but then she starts trying to stand rather than crawl. She has 2 doctors (naturopathic and regular) and they both say that it is totally normal for some kids to skip crawling altogether.
I'm just trying to work on teaching her to sit up on her own. For some reason she may lack the core strength to do that? I dunno. But, each time she is on her back, I roll her to her side or tummy and try different methods for pushing her to sitting position. She hates it...but I stick to it. She'll learn. She does usually sleep in a sleep sack...but on the occasions that it is too hot for that and she sleeps w/o one, I notice that she is much more mobile in her crib. My next goal is to let her start sleeping without it so that she can learn to move about and work on sitting up in the crib on her own. I just like her sleeping in the sack cuz it gets pretty chilly here at night and blankets get thrown around or tossed on her face...which makes me paranoid! (new mommy syndrome!).
Anyway...that's the update on Vienne's stuff. I always appreciate your words of advice, Janeen! Thank you so much for caring!
much love....Jenny

Barbara June 25, 2009 at 6:21 AM  

School finishes so much earlier in the States. Late July here and back 2nd week in september.

Very practical desks i see with a seat attached for the one in front. Interesting.