Sunday, January 31, 2010

Back to Basics


Ah... such a lovely weekend!
Yesterday, the ladies in my family made the journey to bless our relative who is expecting her first baby in March! Great times but I can't share them with you because I forgot my camera. (Gasp!)

Then today I went to my sister's house to enjoy Afternoon Tea - Manor House style! We watched several episodes of the PBS production and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. If you have never seen it, go to the website to read about the 2001 production or Netflix even has several episodes you can rent. But again I can't share that with you either because...
(wait for it)...
I forgot my camera AGAIN! That's two days in a row! I need to go lay down with a cold compress on my forehead.

Okay, now to what this post is REALLY about... Back to Basics!

On the way home I stopped at the store to get a few items for the week and when I got to the bread isle, I walked up and down the isle, then up and down again and again and again.
Because I could not find a loaf of bread for less than $4.75 a loaf! Ridiculous and I refused to pay it! I'm not in poverty but it dismays me to see those who are struggling financially to see those prices and have to make choices in their groceries. So I came home and made home-made bread in my bread machine. Basic ingredients come together to make a loaf that will taste better than what was on the shelf anyway!

What at the grocery store has made you shake your head and walk away?


5 Cha Cha Bloggers left a comment:

KARNA January 31, 2010 at 6:27 PM  

So glad your bible study is going well! that's a lot of women who are seeking Jesus!!

I just wanted to share I totally identify with you on the bread's ridiculous!! When I moved up here to Idaho I found the an outlet for bread - day old, but not... anyway I can get five loaves of sliced sourdough bread for "5.75" in the store they are all over $4 each... ANYWAY they have every kind of bread, rolls and cookies etc. In the bay Area I think Orowheat has an 'outlet'. :) K

R. Quilter January 31, 2010 at 9:19 PM  

You can't beat the deals at:
Oroweat Bakery Outlet
2172 Solano Way, Concord, CA 94520

I walked out of Luckys today because they wanted $3.19 for a gallon of milk. I went to Walmart and got it for $2.70.

Rebecca February 1, 2010 at 11:05 AM  

Oh, I so hear you...Hum...probably the ever increasing cost of milk...Over $3 per gallon at some places. Our Kroger is more reasonable, though and has it for under $3...Still...

I love that you went home and baked your own loaf...I'm heading to the kitchen just now to make another batch of scones:)....

The Brown Recluse (TBR) February 1, 2010 at 12:19 PM  

I can't think of anything much better than homemade bread!!
There are a few things at the local non-Walmart grocery store that makes me say, "No way, I won't pay!"
But there are times I pay the extra because it's too inconvenient to go to Walmart.

Nana Trish is Living the Dream February 2, 2010 at 7:16 PM  

I sure wish I could have a slice of your yummy bread. I need to get me a bread machine. I know it must smell wonderful and taste so good. I also wish I were there for your study. That is such a sweet picture. It reminds me of pictures back when I was a little girl.