Happy June!
Happy June!
June begins harvest season in my neck of the woods for fruit and veggies!
I'm fortunate to have many family owned orchards and farms nearby to choose from.
The first batch of strawberries were gone in 3 days... L-U-R-V-E them in my cereal, yogurt, ice creams, etc.
I'm also in LURVE with Pinterest!
It took me awhile to catch on to what it was and then when I figured it out... well let's just say I stop there several times a week for inspiration on many things. I go on Pinterest more than I visit Blogs these last few months! Pinterest is described as a Virtual corkboard. It lets you share images and links to things you find on the web on a “board” that others can veiw, comment on, and repin to their own boards. Personally I use it as a way to file away recipes, crafts, family / kid activities, my favorite hobbies, etc. seriously the list can go on... and on... and on... but what makes me even happier is when I actually DO or MAKE something I pinned on my virtual corkboard, it's like I've accomplished something major! ha ha
I'm almost done with my latest cross stitch project with another one waiting to begin and once that is done, I'll be ready in the Fall/Winter season to switch over to crocheting and sewing. I got 12 different sizes of crochet hooks mailed to my house for less than $5.00, yep I'm a coupon rock star! That's right - 12 different size crochet hooks including the postage was LESS than $5!
I want to learn how to do these scarves!
And of course my beloved Jane Austen has inspired ideas!
I'm really looking forward to this summer as I'm taking A LOT of time off to be with my family... we've got some fun and inexpensive ideas for local travel that I got rock star coupons for as well as some right at home fun!
What plans do you have for the summer?