I'm won over by Georgette Heyer!
This has been a good year for me... turning 40 yrs old that is, because I have won 3 giveaways in the last year and up until then, I RARELY won anything! And this particular win was truly the highlight because I won 10 BOOKS! That's right ~ books! (Everybody swoons...)
About a month ago I entered this drawing at one of my favorite blogs ~ Jane Austen Today ~ and last week it was revealed that....(drum roll please...) the winner was ME! The prize is 10 books written by Georgette Heyer! (Everybody sighs now...)
And if these pictures don't reveal how excited I was to allow myself to be filmed in my evening gown for ya 'all to see, then I don't know how more real it can get here... I absolutely could not wait to open the box when my Man brought it in from the mailbox. Seriously, how could I have missed the size of this thing... perhaps I was distracted by two little people in the backseat... yes, that's it! I didn't change my clothes, put my hair back down or put my jewelry back on, I just dove right in!